Wednesday, 20 March 2013

What I Ate Wednesday

I have slowly been making changes to my diet in the past 6 months in an effort to generally get healthier. It was mostly spurred on by hormonal issues and terrible acne. So most of the foods I try to eat show benefits for skin health and also balancing blood sugar levels.

I thought I would start a new series that was inspired by various food and health bloggers I have seen around the traps that document what they eat for a day. I think this will also inspire me to mix it up a bit so I don't end up showing exactly the same foods every wednesday!

Blueberry, banana, acai, spinach and chia seed smoothie

I drank half of this smoothie before I remembered that I was thinking about doing this blog series.... I don't have only half a glass of smoothie for breakfast! I have blueberries and bananas in the freezer, so this gorgeous smoothie only takes me about 2 minutes to make. I love adding chia seeds to smoothies to add protein and skin and health loving Omega 3s. I wizz it together in my blender with plain yogurt and almond milk.

Sprouted chickpeas and lentils with tomato, chilli, thyme and fetta
Vanilla Rooibos Tea

This lunch was even better than I hoped it would be! Super tasty and only took 5 minutes to cook. I sprout a whole bunch of chickpeas and lentils, par-cook them and freeze them in batches, all ready for super simple recipes like this. I took out a package of my frozen chickpeas and lentils and put them in a pan with a touch of stock, a freshly chopped tomato, some chilli and a couple of sprigs of thyme. I cooked that for a few minutes then served with some crumbled fetta (only the sheep and goat's milk version will do!).

Handful of nuts (pepitas, almonds, cashews and walnuts)

Another thing I do is make a big batch of activated nuts. The nuts are soaked overnight in some water with a touch of salt. The next day I strain the nuts and spread them on a baking tray and put them in the oven on the lowest setting for 24 hours to dry out. These nuts are seriously the best nuts ever. Activating nuts reactivates enzymes in them so they are easier to digest. I swear they also taste a bit sweeter. 

Beef and pinenut burgers with harissa, yogurt and sweet potato chips

It's really not very pretty and I was too hungry to bother trying to make it look nice, but this was sooooo yum. Give me sweet potato instead of normal potato any day.

Chocolate, ginger and almond freezer fudge

Yuuuummmm! Dessert! This is my favourite indulgence (and no, I didn't eat 4 pieces!). The base is a concoction with almond butter, salt, vanilla and coconut oil. The top bit is coconut oil, raw cacao powder, maple syrup and ginger. Chuck it in the freezer and you have a yummy, fudgy treat.

Let me know if you're interested in these kinds of posts. Or is it only me who's a bit nosy about things like this?


  1. I'm definitely curious, so I'd love to see more!

    I'd love to get more into healthy eating but a lot of it seems like too much work, your recipes here actually look quite doable!

    I thought the smoothie was chocolate for a minute though. :P

  2. The recipes definitely are doable. I just chucked what I had in the fridge together and super quick too.

    Haha I forgot I did actually put cacao nibs in so it was kind of chocolately... unfortunately that's why everyone posts photos of green smoothies. I like to add blueberries, which makes mine kind of brownish but tastier!!


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